Great new Colum here!

BOLD is a perfect index name for the 'digital gold' or Bitcoin. Weird how folks just don't get it. I guess Altcoin cryptocurrency would blow their minds. Seems the seed planted by tradfi that Bitcoin is some alien form of their beloved coinage.

Being more educated on the blockchain and how DAO's operate within the crypto ecosystem, how passive income is made by contributing to networks beyond Bitcoin is key to their adoption.

'Another form of fiat-digital money probably turned everyone off on purpose. [Oh, that's what a CBDC is!] So, therefore the Central Bankers have subsequently sabotaged their own version of what is actually a interoperability into the Bitcoin, Ether and Binance level 1 onboarding?!? Wonder if they'll realize their folly, or maybe there's something more irritating in the ways of regulation or an overreaching cross boarder IMF concocted 'worldcoin' was intended to overtake the entire offensive systems down.

Gotta keep on top of these realistic and counteractive measures being flexed upon a threat to a dying breed.

In conclusion, as noted (inc. UK) knows more than they lead on. It's impossible actually that anyone with any knowledge of cryptography wouldn't understand how empowered individuals Will be otherwise and is why every 1st World and even smaller governments have been implementing with CBDC's since Bitcoin's inception.

I have a premonition this BOLD brainchild of yours will be exponentially popular.

Thanks for your highly accurate and profound understanding of what you're proposing.

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